Kathleen’s Bible Studies
Kathleen’s Bible studies include the Living Word series, Knowing the Bible studies in Ruther & Esther and Ezra & Nehemiah, and the Rebuild study in Nehemiah in partnership with TGC. Below, you can browse all of these, with links for purchasing.
Living Word Studies
The Living Word series includes 11 studies in total. You can view a summary of each below, along with links to purchase them at P&R’s website. Note: These studies have been updated with new covers and are now available. The original editions are available only in limited amounts.
The book of Joshua offers adventure, great stories, vivid characters, and—above all—an amazing account of the way God fulfills his promises to his people. Joshua is not bare history; it is history with a point—and the point is that God’s Word is true—always, completely, without fail. Kathleen Nielson challenges us to live according to that Word. She reminds us that God’s promises are just as good and true for God’s people today as they were in Joshua’s day—and they are now completed and fulfilled in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Nehemiah is not only an example of great leadership; his story shows us in living color God’s sovereign plan to work through his people for his redemptive purposes in Jesus Christ. Kathleen leads us to immerse ourselves in a dramatic story of God’s people led by a godly leader at a crucial point in salvation history. As we follow the rebuilding of the wall, we witness God’s faithfulness in preserving a chosen people according to his promises, and we realize our need for a savior.
The way of the Psalms is a well-traveled and blessed way! Not just the psalmists but also God’s people throughout many generations have used these words to find their way and to express their prayers and praises to their God along the way. In the Psalms we learn more about God’s ways, human experience, and the beauty of poetic language. Kathleen Nielson invites us to spend time in the Psalms—musing, marking, meditating, memorizing, and praying.
In this first volume, Kathleen Nielson gives an overview of this genre of scripture and equips the reader to explore the whole of the Psalms.
The way of the Psalms is a well-traveled and blessed way! Not just the psalmists but also God’s people throughout many generations have used these words to find their way and to express their prayers and praises to their God along the way. In the Psalms we learn more about God’s ways, human experience, and the beauty of poetic language. Kathleen Nielson invites us to spend time in the Psalms—musing, marking, meditating, memorizing, and praying.
In this second volume, Kathleen focuses on how to study the Psalms. Each lesson guides the study of one psalm and then provides the tools for more independent study of another thematically related psalm.
A proverb is wisdom in a poetic nutshell: it is small, like a nut, and gives more and more flavorful meaning as we keep pondering it. In the book of Proverbs we find divinely inspired observations concerning how to live rightly as the people of God. Proverbs’ wisdom is far from theoretical; wisdom given by our Creator relates to every part of his creation—from our words, to our friendships, to our money, to our marriages and children—and on and on. Kathleen Nielson guides us in how to digest the poetry of Proverbs and relish this part of God’s revelation with thankful delight. She encourages us to hear and respond to wisdom’s call and let the light of Christ illuminate our lives.
Poetry speaks to us as whole people, appealing in unique ways to our imaginations and emotions as well as to our intellects. Song of Songs and Ecclesiastes are beautiful Old Testament poetic books that answer two of life’s deepest questions: “What is the meaning of life?” and “What is love?” Kathleen Nielson takes us on a journey into these image-filled Scriptures, equipping us to relish God’s Word in poetic form.
Sometimes called the “Romans of the Old Testament,” the book of Isaiah is a theological masterpiece. Not only does it deliver some of the most beautiful poetry in the Bible, but it also gives us a glimpse into God’s perspective on human history and his magnificent redemptive plan. Kathleen Nielson helps us apply this book to ourselves as the people of God and points us to our Savior, the promised Messiah.
John: That You May Believeguides you through what many consider to be the most artful and poetic of the gospels. Opening with a remarkably beautiful, mind-stretching statement of who Jesus is, John clearly reveals Jesus’ identity as the promised Christ, the Son of God, come to bring life to those who believe in his name. Its portrait of the Word made flesh rewards careful study so “that you may believe.”
Colossians and Philemon are two of Paul’s “prison epistles”—letters written while he was imprisoned for preaching Jesus Christ as Lord. Even in the face of persecution, prison bars could not contain Paul’s zeal for the gospel. In his letter to the Colossian church he sounded the alarm of false teaching and encouraged the believers to find sufficiency in Christ. In his letter to Philemon he pleaded for mercy and forgiveness for a runaway slave. Kathleen Nielson helps us see how these messages are still relevant and alive in many ways.
The apostle Paul’s letters to the Thessalonians form part of an exciting, complex story of the growth of the New Testament church. Amidst false teaching and persecution, missionary trips and newly planted churches, Paul urges the Thessalonians to walk steadfastly and points them to the ultimate hope of the gospel—the day of the Lord when Jesus will come again. Kathleen Nielson helps us dive into the excitement of the early church and challenges us to live more faithfully as members of Christ’s body, until he comes again.
Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi delves into the writings of three prophets who challenged and encouraged God’s postexilic people—and asks how their words continue to challenge and encourage believers today.
Knowing The Bible Series
The Knowing the Bible series is a series of 45 (and counting) studies, to which Kathleen has contributed the following two.
The books of Ezra and Nehemiah tell of God’s steadfast love toward Israel after their return from exile. The Lord rasied up Ezra and Nehemiah to reestablish the nation by rebuilding the temple and city walls and by turning the people back to his Word. In this 12-week study, Kathleen Nielson shows readers God’s mercy and faithfulness demonstrated in the books of Ezra and Nehemiah, encouraging Christians toward sincere repentance and persevering hope.
The books of Ruth and Esther recount two of the most moving stories in all of Scripture: Ruth, a displaced widow in search of a new home and loving husband, and Esther, a courageous queen intent on saving her people from imminent destruction.
This guide explains the biblical text with clarity and passion—leading us on a journey to discover the God who hears the cries of his people and remains faithful to his promises.
Ruth & Esther: An Introduction
Rebuild: A Study in Nehemiah
Taking a close look at the Book of Nehemiah, this study opens a window into the dramatic story of God’s people sustained by God’s Word that points groups to God’s sovereign plan to work through his people.
Rebuild: A Study in Nehemiah takes us into a compelling story! The Book of Nehemiah tells of God’s people returned from exile and rebuilding the broken-down city of Jerusalem. More than that, it tells of God’s people being rebuilt according to His Word. As we watch the leader Nehemiah direct the rebuilding, we’re watching the Lord God direct history according to his promises–all of which were fulfilled in the promised Christ who came from this people’s seed. This study of Nehemiah helps us understand our history as believers in Jesus Christ. It helps us learn to walk in faith according to God’s Word, even in times of weakness and rebuilding. Eight lessons draw us into the text, giving background and asking questions that lead us to make fruitful and personal observations.
You can view the full course, including a free download of the study itself as well as videos for each lesson, at TGC’s webpage.
Below you can view a brief video of Kathleen’s overview of the study.
“This study guide will give you a helpful method for studying the Bible in all the right ways. It will encourage you in the daily reading, meditation, and memorization of Scripture. It will help you to be serious and systematic about studying the Bible for yourself. It will ask you questions that help you see the literary structure, Christ-centered meaning, and practical implications of what you are reading. It will give you growing skill and confidence in understanding the Bible, while at the same time helping you make progress in personal holiness and deepening your love for God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.”
Philip Ryken
President, Wheaton College
“Dr. Nielson’s love for the biblical text and her desire to convey its meaning in its context, coupled with her literary acumen and engagement with everyday life, have given the church a magnificent resource. Simply the very best!”
R. Kent Hughes
Senior Pastor Emeritus, College Church, Wheaton